Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hyde Park Adventures!

For our “Londoner’s on Holiday in City Parks” assignment Steven and I went to Hyde Park. To start things off let me say that Hyde Park is HUGE. You could get lost in this park for hours; it is pretty much the real life Jumanji in the sense that if you did get lost nobody would ever find you. Parks in London are very different from the parks back home. People take great pride in place when it comes to their parks. Everything is very clean and all of the monuments and landscape are well taken care of and maintained. People are not destructive and do not vandalize their property because everyone loves to go and spend time at these parks when the weather allows for it. This is where family comes in to play. The parks are absolutely overrun by families on these sunny days. Everywhere you look there are children of all ages at the park with friends and usually family. However, since we are in the posh Kensington area, most of the couples are the classic mold of one male and one female. I have seen plenty of gay couples in other boroughs but it seems that this area and the immediate surrounding areas are lacking in this demographic. You also see a ton of children with their nanny since a lot of parents work in this area. This makes since because it is a very expensive area to live in. While almost the entire park is safe I must warn families not to go near the big tree that is hollowed out in the middle creating almost a hut of some sorts. While the structure is very impressive there is evidence that couples engage in “extra curricular activities” and there was a spotting of a hobo nested up inside of the higher parts of the inner tree. I would recommend finding this tree but just beware of what you may find once there! Next I will be writing about my afternoon tea experience so stay tuned my friends!

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